Sunday, February 15, 2009

Light 1000 Candles

Bill Brown ... Xiamen University
"Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid." Matt. 5:14

"A candle can light thousands of other candles and not be diminished." Buddha

Fujian Firewalkers Our Province is famous among Chinese as the home of Mazu, the sea goddess, and Chinese firewalkers. A Chinese government official proudly told me, "Pilgrims from temples all over Asia have lit their altar's flame four our temples' sacred mother flame. Every single flame can be trace to here."

Jesus said that we are the light of the world, and as Chinese say, "Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness." But one candle can only dispel so much darkness. How much better if we light other candles.

1. The Right Light. Our light source must be the Right source, for not all that appears light is Light. Even Satan "masquerades as an angel of light." 2 Cor. 11:14. Even as the church is growing here, so are very strange cults. Their followers enthusiastically seek to enlighten others, but from personal experience I know that they are really offering not enlightenment but endarkenment (not a word, I know--but it should be). We need to have the Right Light.

2. Spark a Prairie Fire. Mao Zedong said, "A single spark can start a prairie fire"--but that spark will only flicker out unless it sets fire to its surroundings. In the same way, one life can change the world, but only by igniting other lives around it. Even Jesus needed others to carry on his work. But he did not pour himself indiscriminately into the crowds around him. He carefully chose and nurtured the 12 disciples, and the 70--and they in turn set the Roman prairie on fire. Jesus chose only 12 because he knew they would need time to mature, lest they shine not His light but their own, and simply burn out.

3. Refuel Daily "I'm burned out spiritually," people sometimes complain, but given that we have an inexhaustible Source, the only way for us to burn out is if we try to burn on our own strength. We must refuel daily through time with our Father and his Word, and fellowship with our Family. And in the same way we must nurture and disciple those flames that we have ignited until they are mature. Otherwise they become not blazing torches but feebly flickering embers that burn out.

Don't just be a light, start a prairie fire, one flame at a time.

Fujian Fire Walker Site

Mazu Sea Goddess Site:

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