Friday, April 21, 2017

May We Wake Before We Die

Ahoy from Amoy! (historic Xiamen, China)

"I came from God, and I'm going back to God, and I won't have any gaps of death in the middle of life." GEORGE MACDONALD

As a child I  prayed, "If I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take," but as an adult I fear the greatest need is to fully Wake before we die.

I like the old song, "This world is not my home, I'm just  a passin' through," but do we emphasize the next life so much that we sleep through this life?

Consider Jesus' own example and words. When His disciples asked how to pray, he said, "Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven..." God has a will for earth--here and now. And in John 17:15, Jesus prayed, "I do not ask that you take them [his followers] out of this world but that you protect them from the evil one."

The disciples, and you and I, are on this earth until He takes us out of it because we have a purpose here and now.

It seems Christians whose sole concern is Heaven or the Rapture are just as escapist as the Jews who did not accept Christ because they saw the Kingdom as escape from Roman Rule. This is why Christ seldom called himself the Messiah--because for the Jews, it had become a political term.

In Luke 17:20-21, the Jews asked Jesus when the Kingdom would come--expecting liberation from Rome. Jesus said the coming of the Kingdom was not something that could be observed because "the Kingdom of God is in your midst." The Kingdom is here, now, in us.

Until He takes us, this world is indeed our home, even if we're just "passin' through"--and we have a Purpose for being here.

We're in this world, here and now, because He longs to live in and through each of us as God's avatars to accomplish Unique Purpose He planned for us before laying the foundations of the earth (Ephesians 4:1-5).

So I pray daily, "Let Me Wake Before I Die!"

Wake up! Live!

Blessings from Amoy, China

Dr. Bill 
Academic Director SMXMU OneMBA

School of Management, Xiamen University
Amazon eBook
"Discover Xiamen"

Bill Brown Xiamen University

Monday, April 10, 2017

Chinese Police Sunday Church Traffic Camera Miracle

Ahoy from Amoy (historic Xiamen, China)--and a quick Sunday miracle to share

Last Sunday, Siu Yuk, whose late husband Chris started the wonderful Children of Promise program for children with CP (Siu Yuk now heads it) left her suitcase in a taxi before Fellowship. It had her purse with passport, bank book & money and she had a plane to catch. Calling every cab company didn't help. The fellowship speaker shared the problem and Sue suggested we all pray together. We did--and the luggage was returned right after the service and Siu Yuk went to the airport in the same cab.

After we'd prayed, Siu Yuk went to the police right next door. Within minutes, they used traffic cameras to trace the cab. Efficient!
Chinese Police Sunday Church Traffic Camera Miracle

People complain about Xiamen's thousands of traffic cameras but, given the way people drive, I appreciate them--and even more so now. If they should watch everything I do, they'll hopefully learn I'm only up to good! 😇

It was a good lesson: Don't panic, pray! (which Sue's good at after 13 years in Taiwan and 29 years in Xiamen).

Enjoy Amoy!

Dr. Bill
School of Management, Xiamen University
Amazon eBook
"Discover Xiamen"

Bill Brown Xiamen University

Monday, April 3, 2017

Are You God's Avatar? अवतार

We are God's avatars अवतार,  avatāraAhoy from Amoy (historic Xiamen, China).

अवतार: Gideon was God's "avatar", but why use a Sanskirt term (which means "earthly manifestation of a deity")? Unfamiliar words sometimes give fresh insight on verses we know so well we take them for granted. The same goes for reading the Bible in different languages. I'm amazed at insights from reading the Bible in Chinese, Hebrew or Greek (the last 2 are pretty rusty). Consider John's "Tao."
太初有道道屿神同在到就是神 Tao in Gospel of John Heavenly Way अवतार,  avatāra
Tao in Genesis? John 1:1, "In the beginning was the Word," in Chinese reads, "Taichu you Tao" (太初有道): "Beginning was Tao." And yes, it's the same "Tao" as Taoism, but it means "The Way"--a Chinese concept that far predates Taoism, Confucianism and every other ism. Since ancient times, Chinese from the Emperor down spoke of One God and the Tiandao (天道, Way of Heaven). Taichu you Tao: 3 powerful words that convey much to Chinese believers, and to me as well. Avatar is also eye-opening.

"Avatar" (अवतार,  avatāra) for most people brings to mind the movie about humans wearing alien bodies to interact in an alien world, but I learned to appreciate it almost 40 years ago in grad school while helping with research by Dr. Paul Hiebert, who was born to 2nd generation Mennonite missionaries in India (read about his "excluded middle"). The idea of an "Avatar" reminds me of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin's words, "We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience". We spiritual beings have this human experience through mortal bodies--avatars. And even more exciting, if we allow Him, our Heavenly Father will Himself live and work in and through us. In fact, He works no other way than through us. 

Gideon was God's avatar अवतार,  avatāra

St. Augustine's Avatar: 1600 years ago, St. Augustine wrote, "Without God, we cannot; without us, God will not". Gideon is a  perfect example.

Gideon was an abject coward threshing wheat behind the wine press when the Angel of the Lord said, "The Lord is with you, you might man of valor!" [Did the angel snicker or just stick to his script?]

Even an angel of the Lord wasn't enough for Gideon. He insisted on two fleeces--and would have asked for a dozen fleeces had he known God would have 300 men attack 120,000 with nothing more than lanterns and trumpets (though after hearing our neighbor's son practice trumpet, I can see how 300 novice trumpeters could decimate an army).

Wearing Gideon  After God had whittled Gideon's army down to 300, Judges 6:34 [ESV] tells us, "And the spirit of the Lord clothed Himself in Gideon, and he sounded the trumpet..." God put Gideon on like a cloak and fought the Midianites through Gideon just as we might battle in a PC Game through an avatar. But unlike computer avatars, we have a choice.  

We are God's avatar अवतार,  avatāra

Still, Small Voice--not Control Unlike computer avatars, which we control, our Father leads us through His still, small voice. If we're attuned to Him, that Voice can steer us through our mortal messes as surely as a tiny rudder turns a mighty ship even in the roughest seas. We need only heed that voice--or pray when we don't hear it. And happily, His spirit within us will even tell us how to pray (Rom. 8:26).

Emergency Override? Though we are not "controlled," during several emergencies in my life, I
We are God's avatars emergency override joystick  अवतार,  avatāra earth planet
reacted in ways that later I did not remember--that seemed impossible, in fact, but they saved me. It seems He knew I'd reached my limit and took over, but just for a moment, even as I would yank my own sons from a fire. But He interceded because years ago I asked Him to.

When I was a child, the Biblical stories of Gideon, Joseph and David were vividly real to me, and I naively believed that God would do for me what He did for them. To this day I'm just as naive--and He's never proved me wrong. 

"What are your goals in life?" many have asked me. I answer, "To do whatever my Father has set before me each day--no more and no less." It is a joyful approach to life because it gives me a deep sense of Purpose, knowing that my Creator and Father lives in me, and through me, His gentle hand guiding my own as I myself wield my avatar's JoyStick down paths that I could never have imagined.

I am God's avatar--Him in and through me अवतार,  avatāraAvatars, not Deities! Lastly, I should note that being God's avatars, "manifestations of deities," does not make us God.  But as the Bible says, God manifests himself in this world in us and through us.

2 Cor. 4:10b (KJV), "that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body."

1 Cor. 4: 9-13, 9 "By this the love of God was manifested in us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world so that we might live through Him...By this we know that we abide in Him and He in us, because He has given us of His Spirit."

We "have this treasure in earthen vessels." May that Treasure live and work in us, His earthly vessels/avatars, this day and every day--and enjoy the ride!

I am God's avatar--Him in and through me अवतार,  avatāra Indiana Jones Indiana Bill
Enjoy the Adventure! For decades, people have played games from Boardwalk and Monopoly to simulations (remember SIM City?) and role playing games. But what could be more exciting than being His avatar and playing the role that He chose for us before the foundations of the earth (Ephesians 1:4 & 11, Romans. 8:29, Jeremiah 1:5.). Not even Indiana Jones has anything on our Father's children. I've not achieved many of my dreams (thankfully, in retrospect), but I've done things I never dreamed of. Him in me is far more exciting, and fulfilling, than just me in me.

Blessings from Amoy!

Dr. Bill 
A Few Avatar Verses:
1 Cor. 3:16 Do you not know that you are a temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?
Ezekiel 36:27 "I will put My Spirit within you..."
2 Timothy 1:14 ...the Holy Spirit who dwells in us"
Romans 8:11  He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you.
Romans 8:9  However, you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you.
Romans 8:15 For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, "Abba! Father!"
Galatians 4:6  Because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, "Abba! Father!"

School of Management, Xiamen University
Amazon eBook
"Discover Xiamen"

Bill Brown Xiamen University