Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Half a Bow!

Bill Brown ... Xiamen University
"and you pay special attention to the one who is wearing the fine clothes, and say, "You sit here in a good place," and you say to the poor man, "You stand over there, or sit down by my footstool," James 2:3

Wu's Half Bow The elderly and arrogant scholar Wu (吳先者)was once invited to a rich man's banquet. When another guest dressed in a plain cloth gown arrived late, Wu arrogantly clasped his hands in front of him and greeted the latecomer with a slight bow. But later he saw the host treating the late-comer with great respect and, to his horror, discovered he was none other than the famous General and strategist Zhang Boqi (张伯岐,A.D. 175-254). Wu tried to make it up to General Zhang, but he smiled and said, "Well, you've already given me half a bow, so just give me the other half and don't worry about it." And everyone (except Wu) broke into laughter.

James warned against judging by appearance. Of course, we would not treat Premier Wen or the U.S. President the same as someone off the street. Even Jesus and Paul spoke to leaders with respect. But James' emphasis was not that we should fail to respect those who "deserve" it but that we should respect all others as well, for we do not know what lies within. God said, "Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart." 1 Samuel 16:7 NIV

In "Half the Sky" ("Women of China" magazine), I wrote about our friend and helper Lixi, who has been with us over 20 years. When we first met her, she was right out of the countryside, and looked and acted like it! But it did not take us long to learn that she was a diamond in the rough, and after 20 years with us, that inner Light within her shines. We've polished her, and she's polished us--and that is what our Father intended.

Rough Diamonds 1 Sam. 2:7 says, "The Lord makes poor and rich; He brings low, He also exalts." Rich or poor, we are all created in His image, and are diamonds in the rough (though some more rough than others). Rocks are polished by tumbling them together with some grit and water. They polish each other. We too are polished by our interactions with others--and we can polish them as well, or we can roughen them up further. We can help heal, or hurt.

Practical Application. Treat everyone with respect, regardless of their appearance! Whether the University Dean or the university street sweepers, I try to be courteous and respectful--perhaps even more respectful to the street sweeper, for I know the hours they put in. They work so hard for so little to keep up the place. They deserve our gratitude and respect, and not just half a bow. The caretaker of our building labors long hours 7 days a week, but he too has a family, and hopes and dreams--and a girl in college, of whom we are all proud.

When you are kind to the common person you encounter today, you'll find they are not so common--and neither are you.

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